George Soros WHITE HOUSE LOGS Found – I Knew It!

A new report by Washington Examiner confirms that one of George Soros’ political operatives, Tom Perriello, has been quietly meeting with Joe Biden’s White House. Perriello is connected to one of Soros’ dark money groups that is moving the needle in American politics.

Tom Perriello is the executive director for George Soros’s Open Society-U.S. Open Society is a foundation that Soros has used for years to influence American politics to push leftist agendas.

Now it appears as if Pierriello is getting chummy with Biden’s White House. He has made multiple trips to the White House for reasons unknown (although, one could guess).

In fact, Pierriello visited the White House 13 times between May 2021 and September 2022 according to White House visitor logs.

I don’t know about you, but I think the last thing America needs is for our government to get MORE involved with George Soros’ agenda.