Viral video reveals cops undercover as Antifa J6 Protesters

A shocking revelation has come to light, further proving that there’s more to the January 6 U.S. Capitol “riot” than meets the eye. A video clip featuring a police officer openly admitting that he and his colleagues were set to “go undercover as Antifa in the crowd” has gone viral on social media, unleashing a new wave of outrage and suspicion.

Shared by the anti-woke lawyer DC Draino, the clip was taken from a much longer Rumble video, revealing the policeman’s comments made to fellow officers suffering from pepper spray. “They are ADMITTING it,” part of the caption reads. “How many cops and federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence and property destruction? Release the J6 tapes!”

Unraveling the Deception of January 6th

The footage only adds fuel to the growing belief among many conservatives that law enforcement was not only present but acted as provocateurs, turning a peaceful rally into chaos. The cop, seen recording the video with his mobile phone, even spent nearly an hour documenting the proceedings from the police side of the barrier.

This revelation has ignited a firestorm on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), with numerous users expressing their conviction that the January 6th chaos was nothing but an inside job, possibly orchestrated by the police or even the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

“When are ppl going to wake up to the fact that our own government acted against us on J6?” asked one concerned citizen. Another user directly challenged the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, on why the footage hasn’t been released publicly.

A Cover-Up Unveiled by a Former Police Chief

This alarming evidence comes on the heels of an exclusive interview with former Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund, conducted by Tucker Carlson for National Pulse. Sund’s insight reveals what appears to be a massive cover-up.

Calling the day’s events a “cover-up,” Sund detailed the considerable presence of undercover government agents within the crowd, with Carlson responding, “In the parlance of the internet, it was crawling with feds?” Sund confirmed, “There was a fair amount of law enforcement in the crowd.”

The former police chief also openly criticized then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, lamenting the way he was treated, the lack of support, and being “lambasted in public.” Sund’s new book, “Courage Under Fire,” will likely reveal even more of the inside story.

The Truth Hidden and Suppressed

What is even more alarming is that the full interview with Sund has been hidden from the public, allegedly due to Rupert Murdoch’s increasingly left-wing Fox News channel’s orders. The censorship adds to the notion that something more sinister is at play, with Sund himself wondering if “they kind of wanted something to happen?”

“It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence,” Carlson stated during the interview, leading to Sund’s stunning response, outlining his theory of a grander, more sinister plot at play.

The resurfacing of this footage, along with the suppressed interview, shines a bright spotlight on the growing suspicions surrounding the January 6th incident. The search for truth and transparency continues, but the evidence that there’s more to the story than the mainstream media’s narrative is mounting. With each new revelation, the call for accountability grows louder, and the American people deserve nothing less.

Shared by the anti-woke lawyer DC Draino, the clip was taken from a much longer Rumble video, revealing the policeman’s comments made to fellow officers suffering from pepper spray. “They are ADMITTING it,” part of the caption reads. “How many cops and federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence and property destruction? Release the J6 tapes!”

Unraveling the Deception of January 6th

The footage only adds fuel to the growing belief among many conservatives that law enforcement was not only present but acted as provocateurs, turning a peaceful rally into chaos. The cop, seen recording the video with his mobile phone, even spent nearly an hour documenting the proceedings from the police side of the barrier.

This revelation has ignited a firestorm on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), with numerous users expressing their conviction that the January 6th chaos was nothing but an inside job, possibly orchestrated by the police or even the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

“When are ppl going to wake up to the fact that our own government acted against us on J6?” asked one concerned citizen. Another user directly challenged the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, on why the footage hasn’t been released publicly.

A Cover-Up Unveiled by a Former Police Chief

This alarming evidence comes on the heels of an exclusive interview with former Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund, conducted by Tucker Carlson for National Pulse. Sund’s insight reveals what appears to be a massive cover-up.

Calling the day’s events a “cover-up,” Sund detailed the considerable presence of undercover government agents within the crowd, with Carlson responding, “In the parlance of the internet, it was crawling with feds?” Sund confirmed, “There was a fair amount of law enforcement in the crowd.”

The former police chief also openly criticized then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, lamenting the way he was treated, the lack of support, and being “lambasted in public.” Sund’s new book, “Courage Under Fire,” will likely reveal even more of the inside story.

The Truth Hidden and Suppressed

What is even more alarming is that the full interview with Sund has been hidden from the public, allegedly due to Rupert Murdoch’s increasingly left-wing Fox News channel’s orders. The censorship adds to the notion that something more sinister is at play, with Sund himself wondering if “they kind of wanted something to happen?”

“It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence,” Carlson stated during the interview, leading to Sund’s stunning response, outlining his theory of a grander, more sinister plot at play.

The resurfacing of this footage, along with the suppressed interview, shines a bright spotlight on the growing suspicions surrounding the January 6th incident. The search for truth and transparency continues, but the evidence that there’s more to the story than the mainstream media’s narrative is mounting. With each new revelation, the call for accountability grows louder, and the American people deserve nothing less.