During a 30-minute speech at the RiskOn360 Global Success Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, Tucker Carlson delivered a warning to the audience, predicting that 2024 in America would be unprecedented.
Always trust your gut. If you feel like they're lying to you, they are. pic.twitter.com/zkKYtRUbrf
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) November 21, 2023
Carlson emphasized the upcoming 2024 presidential election and the diverging paths of the Democratic frontrunner, President Joe Biden, and the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump.
He pointed to what he perceives as a cognitive decline in Biden over the past few years and suggested that Biden is no longer effectively leading the country but has become a political figurehead for a “cartel” that is actually running the White House.
“You’ve got two people running for president — one of them is literally senile,” Carlson remarked. “Yet, he’s standing for reelection at the age of 80.”
According to Carlson, while Biden is supported by a “cartel” and shielded by the media, Donald Trump is facing potential indictments and arrests orchestrated by the same cartel. Carlson believes that there are concerted efforts to remove Trump from the political arena, regardless of the desires of ordinary Americans.
“Every time he gets indicted and every time they tack years onto this potential sentence, he becomes more popular — and now he’s winning,” Carlson stated.
In this climate, the 2024 presidential election is set to unfold, with all indications and polls suggesting a rematch between Biden and Trump. If the 2020 election was marked by contention and negativity, Carlson believes that the 2024 election could be even more divisive.
Carlson attributes much of the political tension to a fundamental issue: “The people who govern us hate the truth. Thus, they cultivate an atmosphere in which people only tolerate lies.”
He contends that those in power will continue to propagate falsehoods, and individuals must rely on their own instincts rather than what they hear on television.
While Carlson did not offer specific solutions to mitigate the anticipated hostility of 2024, he encouraged his audience to take a different approach from what they were experiencing.
“I think the only way to stay alive and fully human in a moment like this is to resolve that you are going to tell the truth in every and all circumstances,” Carlson urged. In the face of tension and anxiety stemming from falsehoods, he advocated for speaking the truth, regardless of the circumstances.