UAW President Slames Trump!

UAW President Shawn Fain delivered a strong rebuke of former President Trump in a Wednesday speech, announcing the union’s endorsement of Joe Biden.

Fain did not mince words, labeling Trump as “a scab” and earning applause from union members for his candid characterization. In his address, Fain directly criticized Trump, asserting, “Donald Trump is a scab. Donald Trump is a billionaire, and that is who he represents. If Donald Trump ever worked in an auto plant, he wouldn’t be a UAW member; he would be a company man trying to squeeze the American worker.” Fain’s remarks conveyed a clear disapproval of Trump’s perceived stance towards labor and the working class.

Continuing his critique, Fain argued that Trump’s values and actions are fundamentally at odds with the principles upheld by the UAW and broader society. He connected this year’s election to critical labor issues, suggesting that the future of wages, retirement, healthcare, and leisure time depended on the outcome of a potential rematch between Biden and Trump.

Fain’s endorsement of Biden occurred during a conference in Washington, D.C., where he praised the president’s alignment with UAW’s values, particularly during the union’s recent strike against major automakers. He framed the election as a pivotal moment, declaring, “This election is about who will stand up with us and who will stand in our way.” This statement underscored the significance Fain placed on the election for the working class.

Fain highlighted Biden’s past support for autoworkers, dating back to the 2007-08 recession, and contrasted it with Trump’s criticisms of the union. While the UAW’s endorsement of Biden historically aligns with Democratic candidates, Fain’s endorsement comes after expressing previous concerns over Biden’s electric vehicle policies.

Biden, self-described as the “most pro-union president” in history, demonstrated his support by joining UAW workers on the picket line against Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis last fall. In contrast, Trump, seeking to appeal to union workers, a key part of Biden’s electoral base, joined striking autoworkers in Detroit in September, opting out of the second GOP primary debate.