Trump’s Ballot Battle: The Untold Truth!

President Donald Trump is once again in the crosshairs of left-wing legal warriors, this time facing off against a Washington D.C.-based watchdog group and their Colorado allies. These liberal entities are hell-bent on preventing him from gracing the Centennial State’s 2024 ballot through a new lawsuit invoking the Fourteenth Amendment.

In a fiery post on Truth Social, the platform he established, Trump shot back at the lawsuit, declaring, “The group trying to sue me in Colorado, in a ludicrous and unconstitutional bid to bar me from the ballot, is none other than the Trump-deranged ‘CREW’.” The watchdog group he’s referring to is the Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in Washington (CREW).

CREW’s argument centers on the notion that Trump has “disqualified himself from public office by violating Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,” which deals with individuals involved in insurrection. However, it’s paramount to note that Trump has never been charged or convicted of such activity. These are mere allegations from an organization notorious for its hostility towards Trump.

The 45th President went on to stress that this campaign to keep him off the ballot is nothing more than a desperate maneuver by those who vehemently oppose his political ideology. He didn’t mince words when identifying the key players involved: “Their ranks include many unsavory characters and groups like Norm Eisen via Brookings or Just Security, Andrew Weissmann, Joyce Vance, and others.”

While Trump isn’t shying away from naming those he views as his adversaries, he also highlighted his popularity in Colorado. He asserted that he’s “leading DeSanctimonious by nearly 50 points and beating Crooked Joe, hands down!” With such commanding figures, it’s hard to perceive the lawsuit as anything other than an attempt to undermine the will of the voters.

A keen insight from a Trump campaign spokesperson hones in on the crux of the matter. He noted, “There’s no legal basis for this effort except in the minds of those pushing it.” In other words, this campaign against Trump seems more rooted in political motivation than in actual law.

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat, took to MSNBC to label Trump a “liar” and claimed that employing the Fourteenth Amendment doesn’t constitute “election interference.” However, one might argue that attempting to eliminate a leading candidate based on flimsy legal grounds undermines the very democracy these groups claim to uphold.

What makes the lawsuit even more questionable is that Congress itself has yet to invoke Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment against Trump. As the Amendment states, “Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.” Yet, there’s been no action on the part of Congress, leaving us to question why CREW and their allies are so eager to push their own narrative.

We’re witnessing another installment in the ongoing saga of relentless efforts to sideline Trump by any means necessary. These endeavors, cloaked in supposed concern for constitutional integrity, seem to conveniently ignore the fact that the Constitution safeguards the democratic process, including fair elections where any qualified candidate can run.