Trump Warns: “It’s A DeathWish”

A bipartisan border security bill sparks backlash from Donald Trump, who deems it a “GOP death wish” in the upcoming critical election year.

Trump swiftly criticizes the proposed legislation via Truth Social, condemning its provisions that grant shutdown authority only after 5000 encounters per day, emphasizing the urgency to close the border immediately.

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), a purported conservative, plays a role in crafting the bill, drawing further ire from Trump and other Republicans.

Trump lambasts the bill for absolving Democrats of their immigration failures and placing the blame squarely on Republicans, urging against its passage and calling for a separate border and immigration bill.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) echoes Trump’s sentiments, denouncing the bill’s flaws and predicting it won’t even receive a vote in the House.

House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) joins the chorus of opposition, branding the bill as the “Joe Biden / Chuck Schumer Open Border Bill” and advocating for a return to the effective Trump-era border policies.

The unveiled legislation includes hefty sums for border security, alongside significant aid for Ukraine and Israel, a move that Trump warns will likely thwart its passage.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) adds his voice against the bill, labeling it “even worse than expected” and asserting its inevitable demise in the House.

With polls indicating higher trust in Trump over Biden on immigration issues, the Biden administration’s open-borders policies face mounting scrutiny, potentially impacting Biden’s reelection prospects, barring any fraudulent activity.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) criticizes the bill’s focus on foreign interests over American concerns, labeling it as more aligned with Kiev’s agenda than addressing America’s border security needs.