Shocking Truth: Fauci’s Pandemic Profits Exposed!

As the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc across the nation, former White House medical adviser Anthony Fauci managed to amass an astonishing fortune, swelling his net worth by millions of dollars.

By the close of 2022, Fauci, who had been at the helm of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for nearly four decades and served as Joe Biden’s White House Chief Medical Adviser, decided to hang up his hat. And he retired as the highest-paid federal employee in history, pocketing a jaw-dropping annual salary of over $480,000.

Recent documents unearthed by Fox News reveal that Fauci, along with his wife, Christine Grady, who is another prominent federal civil servant, saw their combined family wealth balloon by approximately $2 million from 2019 to the close of 2022.

As per the termination report submitted by the former head of NIAID, their family’s net worth reached an impressive $11.5 million by December 2022. The leap in their wealth from January 2019, when it stood at $7.5 million, to December 2021, was even more astounding, amounting to an extra $5 million during that period.

This remarkable surge in the Faucis’ wealth can be attributed to various sources, including “investment gains, awards, compensation, and royalties,” as disclosed in the report.

Although their family fortune hit a peak of $12.6 million in 2021, it experienced a slight dip of around $1 million due to stock market losses, as reported by Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of OpenTheBooks, a Chicago-based nonprofit.

Andrzejewski commented, “During the pandemic years, the Faucis became deca-millionaires with their household net worth exceeding $10 million.”

He further explained that despite the challenging year in the markets, Fauci’s net worth remained significantly higher than the $7.6 million it stood at in 2019.

The report delineates that the former White House medical adviser’s net worth currently rests at $9.25 million, while his wife’s wealth is estimated at $2.2 million. Their assets include “trust funds, retirement accounts, and college education accounts.”

What’s particularly noteworthy is Fauci’s annual pension, which amounts to approximately $350,000, marking it as the largest in federal government history. This pension recognizes his 55 years of service as a government employee.

Additionally, in February 2023, a motivational speaker page unveiled that the former NIAID director was charging up to $100,000 for public lectures. Post-retirement, he has taken a position on the faculty of Georgetown University.

Andrzejewski concluded, “Even though Fauci left his federal position, taxpayers funded and guaranteed a lifetime pension payout that we estimate rivals the president’s salary.”