Police Badges & Guns for Illegals: Nation at Risk

This law’s primary beneficiaries are those enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, alongside thousands of other foreign nationals holding federal government-issued work permits. And who’s championing their cause? None other than the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which according to a summarized description of the legislation, is permitting “an individual against whom immigration action has been deferred under the federal DACA process to apply for the position of police officer, deputy sheriff, or special policeman, subject to specified requirements.”

Illinois Governor Pritzker quickly signed off on this contentious law, which was put into effect right after his signature was dry. The decision sparked a spectrum of reactions. Supporters argue it promotes diversity and offers invaluable opportunities to those who’ve considered the United States their home for years.

However, opponents are raising red flags, deeply worried about potential impacts on public safety and the questionable blending of immigration and law enforcement roles. California, another sanctuary state, has already walked this same precarious path. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), legalized non-citizens serving as police officers.

The eligibility criteria are surprisingly simple — a work permit issued by the federal government is all a candidate needs. Under the Biden administration, these work permits have been generously handed out to illegal border crossers who’ve been set free inside the United States.

This move has fueled a nationwide debate on immigration policies, with critics warning that such laws could pose significant challenges for law enforcement agencies and raise the specter of potential misuse by undocumented criminals.

Bestowing the power of policing onto illegal immigrants, who will be governing legal citizens, opens a Pandora’s box of concerns about potential public safety risks and the blurred lines between immigration enforcement and law enforcement. It’s high time we carefully reassess the long-term implications and consequences of implementing such contentious policies.