Pfizer Fraud: Shocking Revelations

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is brazenly attempting to bury the Pfizer fraud case, scheduled for April 17, before the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Beaumont Division. The lawsuit alleges Pfizer-BioNTech violated the False Claims Act during their clinical trials, delivering a defective product to the world.

Brook Jackson, a whistleblower and former Ventavia Research Group employee, filed the lawsuit. Ventavia conducted Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine trials. Jackson presents evidence of Pfizer’s fraud to secure a vaccine contract, leading to FDA approval of an ineffective and unsafe vaccine causing injuries and deaths. Pfizer-BioNTech violated trial protocols at three Texas study sites. Jackson sued Pfizer, Ventavia, and another Pfizer contractor, ICON plc.

“This fraud cost American taxpayers billions and resulted in injuries and deaths,” said Jackson.

At a Vaccine Safety Research Foundation presentation on March 8, Robert Barnes, one of Jackson’s lawyers, exposed Pfizer’s extensive fraud. “Any and every form of fraud they [Pfizer] could commit, they did,” said Barnes. Jackson uncovered this, assumed corrective action, and was fired instead.

The DOJ showed bias by moving to dismiss the case, stating it’s inconsistent with public health policy. If DOJ policy includes hiding Pfizer’s fraud evidence, it’s complicit in a broader fraud and malfeasance investigation.

Agencies meant to hold corporations accountable cannot favor them and ignore evidence of vaccine failure. The DOJ’s move aims to dismiss well-supported fraud claims, silencing evidence of injustices against Americans. This is corruption at its peak, and the fight must persist.

The False Claims Act mandates the U.S. decide whether to intervene in qui tam actions after investigation. The DOJ decided to back Pfizer’s fraud against the whistleblower, defying its obligation.

To justify support for Pfizer, the DOJ claims the legal process burdens FDA, HHS, and DOJ. Their motion cites a Jan. 5, 2024, JAMA editorial, praising COVID-19 vaccines’ life-saving impact, authored by FDA Commissioner Robert Califf and Peter Marks. Jackson’s lawsuit gains significance amidst ongoing discoveries revealing government corruption, fraud, and propaganda. The Biden Administration unlawfully imposed mandates, violated the Constitution and the Nuremberg Code, falsely advertised harmful interventions, and negligently distributed them, causing harm.