Worst Of The Worst

A California child killer, Patrick Goodman, who brutally assaulted his girlfriend’s 3-year-old son, leaving him with numerous traumatic injuries, broken bones, and severely damaged organs, is on the verge of being granted parole despite strong objections from the prosecutor and public outcry. The parole approval now hinges on the decision of Governor Gavin Newsom.

Goodman, now 49, murdered Elijah Sanderson in December 2000, subjecting him to unimaginable abuse that included swinging the child by his wrist into a wall, resulting in life-threatening injuries. A recent parole hearing stirred controversy when commissioners Michele Minor and Dane Blake deemed Goodman suitable for parole, asserting he posed no unreasonable risk to public safety.

While Goodman expressed a desire for redemption during the hearing, critics argue against his release, emphasizing the gravity of his crime against an innocent child. Former San Francisco Police officer Britt Elmore called it “the most heinous crime there is,” urging Governor Newsom to overrule the parole board and investigate the qualifications of its members.

Jonathan Hatami, a district attorney candidate and advocate for child abuse victims, condemned the parole decision, stating that those who victimize defenseless children represent the worst criminals. Hatami, known for his involvement in high-profile child abuse cases, stressed the danger posed by child murderers to society.

Despite Goodman receiving a 25-year-to-life sentence in 2002, the possibility of parole raises concerns. Deputy District Attorney Bob Gordon previously asserted that justice was served, ensuring the killer would spend life behind bars. However, the recent parole board decision challenges this assurance.

Governor Newsom’s office, tasked with reviewing the case, stated that it would be scrutinized carefully. The controversial decision has sparked outrage, with many urging a reevaluation of the parole process and the severity of punishments for such egregious crimes against children.