“It’s a Trap”, Chip Roy Drops Bombshell!

In a dire warning, a prominent GOP congressman has declared that the $118 billion Senate border bill was nothing but a trap that would actually boost traffic at the Southern Border rather than stop the illegal immigrant invasion while helping get President Joe Biden reelected.

In a thread of posts on X Monday, US Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) shredded the proposed legislation, which couples supposed border security reforms with funding for America’s foreign allies and various other initiatives.

As he called the draft law the “War, Debt, and Open Borders” bill, Roy declared it was tailored to bolster President Joe Biden’s chances in a potential 2024 electoral rematch against former President Donald Trump.

“The Senate bill ‘is NOT well-intended. It is also not a border security bill. It is, however, a bill designed by Democrats to boost Biden against Trump by helping Dems blame Republicans for open borders,” the congressman stated.

According to Roy, the Senate proposal plans to “BORROW” $118 billion, of which $60 billion will be spent to provide US weapons for Ukraine in its resistance against Putin’s Russia and provide foreign aid to US allies Israel and Taiwan.

The draft law also dedicates $20 billion to what he described as “alleged” border security efforts, which the Texas Republican argued would actually facilitate increased border crossings rather than diminish them.

“The border ‘crisis’ is a crisis not of resources or lack of authority, but rather the result of abuse of law by the President – the willing disregard of the text & spirit of laws designed to maintain operational… control of the border & secure our nation – in favor of using judge-made loopholes & very limited exceptions (asylum & parole) to establish a default of ‘encounter & release’ instead of ‘encounter & remove,’” Roy wrote.

He urged Congress to reject the bill, which was poised for an initial Senate vote within the week and praised draft GOP legislation rejected by the Democrats last year – H.R.2 and its “leaner, stronger little brother” he introduced, alongside HR 29.

Roy noted those were legislative efforts by the House GOP to “close the loopholes & force the executive to follow the law.”

“In conclusion, this bill is a partisan ‘uniparty’ war bill masquerading as border security that perpetuates open borders, massive debt, & continued proxy wars… a ‘shiny object’ not worthy of further comment beyond immediate burial in the grave,” the Republican congressman wrote.