Hunter Finally Confesses…

In a stunning revelation, Hunter Biden has finally admitted during congressional testimony that his father, Joe Biden, was referred to as “the big guy” by his business partners. However, he vehemently denied any involvement by the President in his business dealings.

Confirming long-standing suspicions, Hunter acknowledged that “the big guy” mentioned in an email regarding a lucrative deal with a Chinese energy company indeed referred to his father. This confirmation, coming years after initial reports by The New York Post, underscores the gravity of the situation.

Yet, Hunter dismissed claims that Joe Biden was allocated a 10% share in the business, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. He expressed bewilderment over his former associate’s reference, insisting he had no knowledge of any such arrangement.

The controversial email, unearthed from Hunter’s laptop, ignited a firestorm of controversy, with allegations of influence-peddling and Russian interference. Hunter, however, maintained his innocence, attributing the accusations to political sabotage.

In his testimony, Hunter painted Gilliar’s proposition of involving his father as unrealistic, given Joe Biden’s status as a former Vice President. He dismissed the notion as absurd, asserting his immediate rejection of such proposals.

Amid scrutiny from lawmakers, Hunter defended his financial transactions with his father as typical familial support, dismissing allegations of impropriety. However, Republican Congressman James Comer labeled the dealings as “money laundering,” highlighting suspicious financial transactions.

Despite Hunter’s assertions, questions linger regarding the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business affairs. The controversy surrounding “the big guy” nickname underscores the complexities of the Biden family’s financial entanglements and raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest.