Liberty Alerts

Liberty Alerts by Liberty Fuel are deep-dive reports that alert you to matters and events that concern our American liberties. Whether we’re covering legislation, elections, or news surrounding social issues, we’ll be here for you.

Alongside Current Events, Liberty Alerts are one of the key ways Liberty Fuel keeps you informed on impactful happenings. Keep an eye on our publication for the latest news!

China Launches Multiple Satellites, Threatens US Dominance in Space

In recent months, China has launched several satellites and currently has 347 orbiting crafts with the capability of gathering intelligence on American armed forces,...

Andy Schectman warns Mike Adams about the catastrophic banking collapse now accelerating

In the midst of the ongoing economic crisis, it seems as if all the black swans have strapped on suicide vests. The CEO of...

Democratic Congressman Under Fire for Suggesting US Troops Be Banned from Fox News

Rep. Eric Swalwell, a well-known Democratic congressman, has recently come under fire for his hypocritical comments regarding Fox News. In a typical Democrat fashion,...

Biden Administration Considers Mass Vaccination Campaign Amid Avian Influenza Pandemic

With support from Big Pharma executives, the Biden administration is reportedly exploring the possibility of launching a widespread vaccination campaign in response to an...

Hunter Biden Undermines Jill Biden’s Praise in Recent Revelation

First Lady Jill Biden is standing up for her stepson, Hunter Biden, amid controversy and negative comments directed towards him. In a current interview...

Prince Andrew “VICTIM” To Blow The Lid!

According to a new report from Fox News, Jeffrey Epstein’s victim Virginia Giuffre says that she’s going to blow the lid off the scandal...

Does the Nuclear Family Exist Anymore?

The definition of the “nuclear family” varies depending on where one looks, but it generally connotes a traditional household composed of two parents and...

Was the Civil War Really About the Slave Trade?

The question of whether the Civil War was really about slavery or not has plagued Americans for generations. The answer is both yes and...

How Americans Distrusted, Trusted, and Then Distrusted Russia Again

Bolshevik Revolution The history between the United States is spotted with a lot of distrust and anxiety. One of the last peaceful moments between the...

Is the UAE Truly An Ally of the United States?

A Western Ally Two years ago, then-President Donald Trump brokered a peace deal with the United Arab Emirates and Israel. The deal was an historic...

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