Biden’s Worst Nightmare: Texas Launches Legal Blitz

In a bold move aimed at compelling the Biden administration to fulfill its legal duty of protecting the nation’s borders, Texas has initiated legal action against Joe Biden and the federal government for dismantling the barbed wire barriers the state had erected to address the significant influx of illegal immigrants.

Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, an estimated 7 million illegal immigrants have crossed into the United States, including approximately 2 million who managed to evade detection.

Under the leadership of Texas’ GOP Governor Greg Abbott, the state has filed a lawsuit against the federal government for its role in dismantling the border wire, as reported by The Daily Caller.

The lawsuit asserts that federal agents have actively removed the border wire set up by Texas, alleging that this action is intended to “encourage and assist thousands of aliens to illegally cross the Rio Grande and enter Texas.”

Texas had implemented these wire barriers as a security measure, particularly in response to the surge in illegal border crossings. Governor Abbott had specifically directed state agencies to establish these barbed wire defenses for security purposes.

The legal action highlights that by dismantling the wire, the federal government is not only damaging state property but also undermining Texas’ efforts to maintain border security. This, Texas argues, exposes vulnerabilities in its defenses against unlawful border entries.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton stated, “Americans across the country were horrified to watch Biden’s open-border policy in action: agents were physically cutting wires and assisting the aliens’ entry into our state. This is illegal. It puts our country and our citizens at risk. The courts must put a stop to it, or Biden’s free-for-all will make this crushing immigration crisis even worse.”

The lawsuit names various federal entities and individuals as defendants, including the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Patrol, and specific officials.

In September, a reporter from The Caller observed illegal migrants expressing gratitude to Border Patrol agents after the wire barriers were removed.

Mark Morgan, former acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, emphasized, “I want to be crystal clear – what’s happening is not the fault of the men and women of the US Border Patrol. They have been thrust into an untenable no-win chaotic situation. Place blame for the lawlessness at our borders where it belongs – the Biden Administration.”