Biden Administration Cuts Border Wire, Illegal Chaos!

In a jaw-dropping video shared on X, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) has exposed a disturbing scene unfolding along the Rio Grande River. Border Patrol and Customs agents can be seen cutting the razor wire that Texas had diligently installed, effectively creating an open invitation for a flood of illegal immigrants into the United States. According to Abbott, these agents were following orders directly from President Joe Biden and his administration.

Illegal immigration has been a major concern in the U.S. since 2018 when the numbers of immigrants started surging. Since 2020, the Biden administration has systematically rolled back a series of laws instituted under former President Donald Trump, resulting in an unprecedented influx of immigrants, both through legal and illegal channels.

In response to the federal government’s failure to enforce regulations, Abbott launched Operation Lone Star, a state initiative designed to staunch the flow of illegal immigrants, drugs, and human trafficking that has wreaked havoc on countless small, rural towns along the southern border.

As part of Operation Lone Star, Abbott has taken the bold step of busing thousands of immigrants to cities across the nation that declare themselves sanctuaries. While cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles have been the primary destinations for these buses, immigrants have also been dispatched to the very heart of the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., and even to Martha’s Vineyard, aiming to shine a spotlight on the crisis.

Eagle Pass, Texas, where the shocking video was filmed of agents cutting razor wire, is just the latest rural community to bear the brunt of the overwhelming tide of illegal immigrants. Texas authorities reveal that on the day the wire was severed, approximately 2,700 immigrants streamed unchecked into the U.S. The following day, another 3,000 entered before the mayor of Eagle Pass declared a state of emergency.

In the aftermath of the video’s release, Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas Jr. did not mince words. He held the administration at least partially accountable for this migrant surge, emphasizing that the influx was unprecedented and placing tremendous strain on the economy and resources of this rural town, home to 30,000 residents.

Approximately 800 military personnel will be deployed along the border in the coming days, although the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is careful to clarify that these troops won’t have direct contact with immigrants or provide detention services. Instead, their role will be to “fill critical capability gaps,” as stated by the DHS.

Tragically, this border chaos is also marked by human loss. On Thursday, the body of a man believed to be in his 40s or 50s was discovered in the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass. It is suspected that this individual was a migrant who succumbed to the treacherous current and drowned. The crisis takes an even more heartbreaking turn as a three-year-old child lost his life on Wednesday, swept away from his family while attempting an illegal crossing.